0121 312 1499 birmingham@nettl.com

How to Write a Meeting Agenda

You’ve booked the Birmingham meeting room, you’ve let everyone know the date, time and location, now you need to know how to write a meeting agenda. Having an agenda for a meeting is a really great way to keep things on track and make sure all the important points are...
How to Organise a Meeting

How to Organise a Meeting

Organising a meeting can be challenging. There is a lot on the “to-do list” from preparing conversation topics to ensuring there is enough seating. As experts in meeting room hire, we have learned a few tricks along the way. In this blog, we will guide you on how to...
What is an Annual General Meeting?

What is an Annual General Meeting?

Simply put, an annual general meeting (AGM) is a gathering of a company’s investors and directors held each year. During this time, the company’s performance and future plans are discussed. An AGM should be seen as a great opportunity to move your business forward....

How To Take Minutes In A Meeting

You’ve been assigned the role of minute taker for your next meeting but you’re feeling apprehensive. Recording relevant notes can be a challenge and one of the most difficult aspects is knowing what to write down and what to leave out. It is important to remember that...

How To Chair a Business Meeting

Having found a suitable meeting room to rent in Birmingham, it’s time planning the meeting to ensure you’re organised and make the most out of the meeting time. If you’ve never chaired a business meeting, knowing where to start can be daunting. Here are a few...